masterkeywendyht – WEEK 18 – I’m In The Flow

I’ve so enjoyed reading and commenting on everyone’s blog posts – I’m learning so much just from doing that activity 🙂

Some of the MKMMA members wondered if I’d be OK or be able to keep up the work when being outside the alliance.  I seem to be IN THE FLOW, so my thanks for all of your caring concerns 🙂

I’m realizing that I required time to work on the logistics of my business – of creating the documents I would send to online or live clients.  Since stepping out MKMMA, I’ve been receiving  enquiries for online sessions  and I’m feeling very good about them.  They’re a win-win situation in that people can work from the comfort of their home, rather than driving long distances – or me having to drive long distances and take a 40 minute ferry and basically leaving home 3 hours before the beginning of a first session or the beginning of a class!

How else am I in the flow?

1. I read, comment on, and am inspired by mkmma blogs every day.
2. I’ve created the time for my daily “sit” – something I had not accomplished while I was still active within the MKMMA.  I had a really great sit after working on a neighbour’s little dog last night after the turkey dinner our neighbour made for my  hubby and I as a “thank you” for our computer / specialized kinesiology services.  While the “chef” and my husband continued working on the computer crash, dog and I sat together on the floor after his session and I took advantage of the quiet to do a lovely long meditate.  It was heavenly!!
3. With having travelled by plane a lot this past Fall, luggage weight was an issue, so I folded everything up to become that “functional bookmark” (such a great idea, Mark J).  I had slipped into my old blueprint a bit when unpacking, so my “pages” were not always filed away the binder right away.  There’s now a place for my MKMMA material, so that makes me very happy 🙂
4. I’m doing my own brain – body – sensory – motor integration exercises every day, which was something I’d found harder and harder to find time to do while in MKMMA.  Since that my actual “work” too, that had become a big stressor for me.  I use Mark’s “Do it NOW!” when doing the reflex integration activities that are the ones I most need and least like to do ;-))
5. I’m trading online sessions with a colleague who has several of the modalities I have in my practice, so that’s very beneficial.  She was delighted with her session today – and saw for the first time how our work can be done via Skype or Facetime 🙂  Lots of sharing went on, too, so I’m thrilled to be receiving my first Facetime session with her on Wednesday this week.
6. I’ve gone back to MKMMA basics and am happily adding music to my “Do it NOW!” and “I’m in the FLOW” (the latter is to the tune of  “Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow” :-))  What FUN!
7. I’ve found old newspaper clippings I’d saved which, together with new articles, have given me ideas for how to make contact with the Sheshalh Nation regarding my DMP of creating a Centre for Emotional Healing – for the survivors of the Residential Schools.  Many articles from the web have also appeared and I can see how these articles will help inform how I approach the Sheshalh people.  Someone’s blog also mentioned the difference between healing the Traumatic Experience and healing the Traumatic Belief that arose from the Traumatic Experience.  Whoever wrote that – Mahalo!  That may have changed the way I approach working with PTSD clients!
8. And, I’ve decided to return to my week 1 Virtue on my Franklin activity – organization.  That was one of the main reasons I felt I had to step away from the MKMMA, with only 9 weeks to go.  Yet, that was 9 more weeks in which my husband would have to wait for our home to begin to be decluttered.  Last evening, in my “sit” beside my “dog client” (who had been a buddy of my dog, Seamus, who had to be put to sleep 4 months ago yesterday), I realized that ever since we buried Seamus under his favourite tree in the front garden, I’d been burying my hubby and I with clutter.  So, ORGANIZATION it is for the next month, one youthful step at a time 😉  And I’ve decided that “I greet this day with LOVE in my heart” and “Looking for, seeing, giving and receiving KINDNESS” are always going to be paired with my current Franklin Virtue – and that the Virtue will be experienced for 2-4 weeks at a time.  With the Logic brain being the happy brain and the Gestalt brain being the Sad brain – and with my early preference for Gestalt brain activities – the Sad view of life were the habit.  I’m planning to immerse myself in these Virtues for longer than one week, so that I can really incorporate them easily within my continued 7 day (positive) mental diet.
9. I’ve been saying for years that I’ll get to bring harp playing into my life again.  2 of my students are now at a level of playing where we can play harp ensemble works.  We’ve had 2 such harp ensemble afternoons thus far.  This coming Friday, my students are taking me out for lunch to celebrate my 65th birthday and then we’re going to spend the afternoon playing harp together.  How beautiful is that?

An Abraham-Hicks inspirational quote for 15 February 2016, which is very MKMMA, and which I shared with one of my clients today, read:

“When you continue to ask the question, you continue to practice the vibration of the question, which is different than the vibration of the answer. But when you quiet your mind, so that you are no longer keeping the question active, then the answer can come to you. Because you are not holding yourself in the tension of the unanswered question.”

Mahalo to the person i MKMMA who introduced me to the Abraham-Hicks website.  And, Mahalo to everyone for your inspirational blog posts and Tweets this week.  I’ve learned so much and I am most grateful.  I trust you’ll enjoy the A-H (ah 🙂 quote above as a show of my love and gratitude to everyone in the MKMMA.

Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy






18 thoughts on “masterkeywendyht – WEEK 18 – I’m In The Flow”

  1. Excellent blog Wendy! And Happy Birthday!
    Ok now. So your the cause of the snow? I thank you as it makes things warmer. LOL Isn’t it so true that the things we least like to do are the things that are the best for us? Love the quote, I shall recall it when I sit.
    Mahalo for the update.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha Danny, Mahalo for your delightful comment ;-))) Snow? Oh, dear, have you got snow?? I’ll think sunny thoughts – it was beautifully sunny today – didn’t have to wear my gortex jacket at all. Still, it’s all to turn to a cloudy grey with some showers this week. Who care – we had sun today – YAY! Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


    1. Aloha Carol, Mahalo for the birthday wishes ;-)) Yes, Friday lunch and harping, then wonderful concert by the Vogler String Quartet plus a board dinner with the Vogler players afterward. A great time will be had, I’m sure. I hope all is going well with you. Looking forward to each of your blogs 😉 Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha Lorelei, Mahalo for your kind birthday greetings from Hawaii!! I get to have a session from a colleague tomorrow, so I’m really happy about that. I haven’t often had this happen before. Now, I think my colleague and I will continue this arrangement so we can both get our work out into the world in a bigger way. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


  2. Aloha Wendy , So nice to see you’re still here. I find that Quieting my Mind is a hard task for me. I do the “Sits” but never really quiet the constant chatter in my overly stimulated head. I Remember in the 70’s I went to the Transcendental Meditation (Place?) and I was trained to practice TM. I think this would be a very good time to re-introduce it back in my daily living. I had to chuckle when you talked about DE-Cluttering…This is by far my biggest fault. i live with so much clutter!
    Always with much Aloha🌺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha Sherry, Mahalo for your lovely comment. It’s so funny, my hubby and I were both highly organized before we met eachother – heavens, I was a legal secretary for 3 years in a big corporation while also playing harp for the Vancouver Symphony. Once Alec and I met, we became very disorganized. I just couldn’t have the house continue to be so cluttered – I think it was really affecting my work as well as my MKMMA activities. My office is becoming quite transformed, so I’m very pleased. I think I’ll have to buy another massage table – one for here in my home office and one that lives in the car 😉 Anyway, mahalo again for your comment. I’ve left you a comment on your blog – I’m holding you and your family (verbal and non-verbals) in my heart and in my prayers/meditations over the loss of your KC. Huge hugs, my friend Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


    1. Hi Dennis, I actually live on the Sunshine Coast – a 40 minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay and a 45 minute drive up the SC to a tiny hamlet called Halfmoon Bay. It’s heaven ;-)) Comox Valley is too 🙂 Mahalo for your comment. I look forward to reading your next blog. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


    1. Hi Connie, Oh, of course! I hope all has gone swimmingly ;-)) Today’s my 65th birthday, so 2 of my harp students took me out to lunch and then we’ve just spent the afternoon playing harp ensemble music together. A delightful way to spend one’s 65th 🙂 My hubby is in the USA right now – up in the mountains of Nevada – so I may or may not get to Facetime with him. Nooooo problem – I’m going to have a nice wee cup of tea and put my feet up before doing some work. Huge hugs and if you’re still hanging out with Linda, please give her hugs from me too. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


    1. Aloha 🙂 Yes, I’m finding a few different sources that share “an idea whose time has come” 🙂 I’m enjoying the Abraham-Hicks daily inspirational quotation – very MKMMA-esque – amongst others. I appreciate their more “yin” language 😉 Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

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    1. Mahalo, Wes. That’s so sweet of you ;-)) Onward !! I look forward to reading your next blog post. I’ll get mind in this evening. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


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