Masterkeywendyht – Week 20 – Peace, Love & Joy Always All Ways

Aloha!  It’s been a few weeks since my last post, yet I’ve been reading and commenting on blogs that I’ve been following since the beginning of the 2015-16 programme.  Such wonderful changes I’ve been witnessing in each of you!!

I’ve managed to download a copy of The Master Keys and will look at the official Chapter 20 later this week.  In the meantime, I’ve read OG’s Scroll VI and once again was taken aback by the language.  I’ve spent the last 24 years attempting to get to a place where Peace, Joy and Love can prevail, including in my language. Scroll VI definitely needs a re-write for me.  When I’m ill, I will work harder just is not logical.  For me, it’s important that one pays attention to one’s health and, when necessary, take a wee break, so that one does not get sick – or, if illness strikes, take a break so that you can then come back to double your efforts “in a healthy state!”

So, in place of the rather Yang language regarding the “opposites” found in OG’s Scroll VI, I went searching and now peacefully offer up some quotes from Book  3 of Neale Donald Walsch’s “Conversations with God” book – in particular, the information about emotions and the polarity between emotions.

As we’ve heard all along the MKMMA programme, love and fear are opposites.

Walsch’s book states that there are “5 natural emotions: grief, anger, envy, fear, and love…yet love and fear are the basis of all emotions.  The other three of the five natural emotions are outgrowths of these two.”

“Ultimately, all thoughts are sponsored by love or fear.  This is the great polarity.  This is the primal duality.  All thoughts, ideas, concepts, understandings, decisions, choices, and actions are based in one of these.
And, in the end, there is really only one.
In truth, love is all there is.  Even fear is an outgrowth of love, and when used effectively, expresses love.”

A question is raised:  Does the parent who saves the child from being killed in traffic express fear, or love?
The answer is obviously, both…”Fear for the child’s life, and love – enough to risk one’s own life to save the child.”

The Conversation continues…”Precisely.  And here we see that fear in its highest form becomes love…is love…expressed as fear.
Similarly, moving up the scale of natural emotions, grief, anger, and envy are all some form of fear, which, in turn, is some form of love….
The problem comes in when any of the five natural emotions become distorted.”

Later on, discussing the difference between

– strength and power,
– separation vs. unity, and
– lies vs. truth,

Walsch’s conversation with God describes the transition from humans originally living in a matriarchal society to living in a patriarchal society.  It is put forward that…
“Power comes from inner strength.  Inner strength does not come from raw power.  In this, most of the wold has it backwards.
“Power without inner strength is an illusion.  Inner strength without unity is a lie.
A lie that has not served the [human] race, but that has nevertheless deeply embedded itself into your race consciousness.  For you think that inner strength comes from individuality and from separateness, and that is simply not so.  Separation from God and from each other is the cause of all your dysfunction and suffering.  Still, separation continues to masquerade as strength, and your politics, your economics, and even your religions have perpetuated the lie.
This lie is the genesis of all wars and all the class struggles that lead to war; of all animosity between races and genders, and all power struggles that lead to animosity…”

“I tell you this:  Heal te rift between you , end the illusion of separation, and you shall be delivered back to the source of your inner strength.  That is where you will find true power.  The power to do anything.  The power to be anything.  The power to have anything.  For the power to create is derived from the inner strength that is produced through unity…
“Stop thinking of yourself as separate, and all the true power that comes from the inner strength of unity is yours – as a worldwide society, and as an individual part of that whole – to wield as you wish.”

It’s interesting that when we were told to memorize that we are “whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy” I just couldn’t do it – nope, not once!!!  I was completely mind boggled.  Here was I, a classical singer who learned and memorized (and learned the staging for) the lead role in an opera in 7 days and performed it live the next day – and I couldn’t memorize 7 words!!!

I knew that I was struggling with the words “strong” and “powerful” and NOW I realize that I was coming from that patriarchal world where strength is “individual strength and power over others.”  As someone who’s been abused in various ways from my early childhood onward, I knew I’d given up my power to my abusers…be they class mates or family members…and I certainly did not want to feel that I was meant to wield that kind of strength and power over others.  Quite an “ah-ha!!”

Nevertheless, my sentence is now  “I am whole and perfect, encouraging and empowering of others, peaceful and loving, happy and harmonious.”

Such a journey – even from outside the programme ;-))

The week before everyone went on their “3 days of silence” exercise, I’d spent 7 days and then 3 days in silence!  My husband was away on a  business trip, so  with no Seamus (dog) to keep me company, I simply turned off the the computer, which I use for business, for listening to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (even though I’m Canadian and live in British Columbia), and for watching Knowledge Network (BC’s version of PBS) and Youtube.  I Loved the SILENCE 🙂  My hubby was home for 2 days before going away for another 3 days, so that was a good introduction to living with another thinking, speaking human being, before having yet another respite in Silence for 3 more days ;-))  I wish everyone great delight in their Silence!

Great things are happening for me!   I’ve just made a new connection who has given me guidance as to how I can best approach the Chief of the Sheshalh Nation about co-creating an Emotional Healing Centre for Survivors of Residential Schools, which is my DMP (Definite Major Purpose).  I’ve been reading their website and recognize that it’s important to make that centre a place for training other consultants and instructors, as well as for individual and group healing sessions.  That just feels so RIGHT!

And, while I’m not financially able to travel to Houston, TX this Thursday to take the 2 day Level 3 Teacher Training for the Rhythmic Movement Training Int’l programme on Integrating Childhood Reflexes, I know that something better will come of this.  I’m actually still open to miracles, even at this late date, as it would be wonderful to be able to be a level 3 instructor for Canada – the exchange rate does make it expensive to bring an American or an Australian Level 3 instructor  😉

Also, people have begun to refer their friends who have chronic pain – both emotional and physical – to me for Skype sessions across the globe!  And, somehow (hmmm, perhaps due to MKMMA training??) I’m finding it so much easier to talk to others about my work.  As a result, I’m finding some very key people in our small string of communities along the Sunshine Coast of BC for whom I’m providing some sessions for Fibromyalgia, MS, Autism, Alzheimer’s, severe learning challenges, Dyspraxia, and more.  And, I have people coming down from the Yukon Territory to take my SIPS Kinesiology Level 1 class at the end of the month and SIPS 1&2 in late May – and there may be a couple of others joining us too.  All this, right here on the Sunshine Coast!!!

I feel so blessed to be doing my work from home and also in other spaces on the Sunshine Coast.  Please know I’m drawing inspiration from all of you with much gratitude!  And, needless to say, I’m greeting each day, each of you, and everyone I meet each day with love in my heart.  I am in the flow!!  Great things are happening!  I am whole and perfect, encouraging and empowering of others, peaceful and loving, happy and harmonious!

Mahalo, Wendy Humphreys Tebbutt (wendyht)








13 thoughts on “Masterkeywendyht – Week 20 – Peace, Love & Joy Always All Ways”

  1. Great timing. I was just wondering how Wendy is doing. I appreciate your thoughts about clarity of language. Here’s a question for you… how come “encouraging & empowering of others”? It’s the ‘of others’ I wonder about. Do you fit under that umbrella somewhere? … Meanwhile, wonderful that your local work is sprouting so nicely. How great to spend less time ‘going & coming’. Namaste. Linda

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aloha Linda, Yes, I pondered the “encouraging & empowering” quite a bit and decided I would fit under that umbrella – however, I could just as easily add “of myself and others,” couldn’t I? I believe I’ll do that, so the Universal I has no doubt whatsoever what I have in mind ;-)) Yes, I’m pleased that local work is appearing – and it’s “big” stuff that means I can bring out the APhy, LEAP-BI and SIPS-K tools, so that’s very joyous for me and I trust their effects will bring great joy to others. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

      Liked by 1 person

  2. WOW!
    What can I say that you haven’t? Absolutely so happy for you Wendy!
    I believe you have progress farther and faster outside of the MKMMA than from within.
    You are without a dout a true gem.
    Love &Peace

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha Danny – great to hear your voice 🙂
      To be honest, I think I did leave the programme at just the right time – for me. It had been a very long and exhausting August and September leading into the beginning of MKMMA and then I had a Fall that was just huge!
      Being a conscientious, I felt I had to try to get everything done in MKMMA – and there just came a point when I couldn’t do that AND do my “work” to help support my husband and I AND when OG’s language just got so Yang, as Linda calls it, I just felt that it was one too many things to have to deal with.
      I felt like I was where I’d been before I began my specialized kinesiology career over 24 years ago and attempting to get rid of the “sturm und drang” in my life and in my language. I’m still watching my language ;-}} I didn’t need to be watching OG’s too – LOL.
      Anyway, Mahalo for your kind words, Danny. I’ve been really impressed with your blogs these last weeks! You’ve obviously really grown and that’s marvelous! It’s great to keep in touch.
      Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht


  3. Wendy, wow your blog is so inspiring. Love it how you are progressing. You are stronger and powerful then you give yourself credit for. Love what you do. Chronic pain is not fun. I have Fibromyalgia. Most people are not even aware I have it. So are so disabled from this and other di-ease in their bodies. You are shining. I can see you all the way to New Jersey, USA. Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aloha Carole, Thank you so much for your beautiful words. I really appreciate your words, and also your presence on the MKMMA blogs. There are certain people whose blogs I’ve been reading since the beginning of the 2015-16 MKMMA and yours is one of them. You’re a very special person. Would you care to be gifted a session for your chronic pain? I’d be very happy to do this with you via Skype or Facetime, if you like. If so, please just email me at AT and I’ll be happy to chat with you. Mahalo for your comment. Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

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    1. Aloha Sara, Many thanks for your comment 🙂 I’ve been reading people’s blogs and noticing that there’s sometimes a bit of apprehension about what people will do when the programme ends. Hopefully, by my blogging from outside the programme, people will be inspired to know that they can remain in contact with their MKMMA family of favourite bloggers 🙂 I certainly hope you and I can keep in touch, as I’ve really enjoyed reading your blogs and comments :-)) Yours in Gratitude, Light & Love, Peace & Joy wendyht

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